A faint blush to her rounded cheek when brothers spoke

of girls and women

in the way that brothers will but shouldn't in the

A look of awe


face of sisters-

gasp of admiration

at the

pretty city girls

on whom a homespun cotton

hung as well as silk

A swell of pride

within her conscious breasts

when brothers

gave a whack

upon her shoulder

to prove a job well done -

man to man.

How did she feel

how many salted tears

rubbed rough away

were shed

When puberty approached

and family girls should

And she,

wed and birth

man's will and rearing

housed in

nature's fabricated breasts

stood twist-legged aside

and knew

Within herself.

she had to fight

And so Jeanne fought

for a cause

much greater than

her own.

And with it,


man and girl
